PURINA® virtual symposium to share learning on managing cat allergens
On Wednesday 8th July the Purina Institute will host a two-hour virtual CPD symposium on managing cat allergens. The free event follows on from the launch of a feline-friendly option in the management of cat allergens. Speakers at the event will include feline expert Dr Andy Sparkes, BVetMed, PhD, DipECVIM, MANZCVS, MRCVS and the immunologist who led the PURINA® research, Dr Ebenezer Satyaraj, PhD. Anyone registering for the event will be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad and there will be a number of goody bags available as additional prizes.*

Dr Andrew H. Sparkes, BVetMed, PhD, DipECVIM, MANZCVS, MRCVS will be speaking at the virtual PURINA® symposium.

Dr. Ebenezer Satyaraj is a leading scientist at the PURINA Institute and will be sharing details of his studies around managing cat allergens.
Dr Sparkes will address the consequences of feline allergy and says that, in majority of cases, cat-allergic owners will choose to tolerate ongoing symptoms of allergy, rather than relinquish their cats, even when they have severe symptoms. The ground breaking research, led by Dr Satyaraj and his team, identified another option, which will allow vets and RVNs to make recommendations to help support these clients.
Libby Sheridan, MVB MRCVS, PURINA® Veterinary Technical Affairs Manager, UK & Ireland says she feels that all members of the veterinary team will want to know about this important development, “This innovation is safe for cats who continue to produce the major cat allergen, Fel d 1, which is found mainly in the cat’s saliva and sebaceous glands. Our researchers found that the Fel d 1 protein could be neutralised through feeding a nutritious cat food coated with an innovative egg product ingredient containing anti-Fel d 1 antibodies1 which helps reduce the active allergen transferred to hair and dander during grooming, and ultimately helps reduce active Fel d 1 in the environment.2 Now the science has resulted in a commercially available product that could have a big impact on the quality of life of the cat and their owner. We’ll be sharing the research behind this at the symposium so that clinicians can evaluate the potential benefits.”
Any member of the practice team can register for the event at www.veterinarywebinars.com/purina and will be entered into the free prize draw. The symposium provides 2 hours of certified CPD. More information about the science is available at www.purinainstitute.com.
*Terms and conditions apply at www.veterinarywebinars.com/PURINA
- Satyaraj E, Sun P and Sherrill S (2019). Fel d 1 blocking anti bodies against the major cat allergen Fel d 1. Presented at the annual meeting of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Satyaraj E, Li Q, Sun P and Sherrill S (2019). Anti -Fel d 1 immunoglobulin Y anti body-containing egg ingredient lowers allergen levels in cat saliva, Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 21(10): 875-881. Doi:10.1177/1098612X19861218