Laura Muir announces new canine event as part of Simplyhealth Great South Run
British middle distance runner and recently qualified vet, Laura Muir, has announced the date for the inaugural Simplyhealth Canine...
Lintbells supports practices with new initiative for calmer pets
Lintbells is launching a new initiative for practices that will support efforts to keep pets calm –both in the...
Vital storms ahead with new energy
New Sheffield office facility There’s a lot of positivity around at Vital this month as the company announces some...
Never a better time to sign up to veterinary receptionist accreditation says Simplyhealth Professionals and BVRA
BVRA Congress Simplyhealth Professionals, the UK’s leading provider of preventive health plans for cats, dogs, rabbits and horses,...
YuCALM Cat aims to improve feline wellbeing for the better
Following on from the launch of YuCALM Dog in September 2016, Lintbells is launching YuCALM Cat, which is available...