XLVets embraces the future in an exciting AGM Adventure

In June, the streets of Manchester came alive with the vibrant presence of XLVets members as they engaged in friendly competition during the annual AGM team challenge. This exciting event, inspired by the idea that the future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed, saw teams getting creative and earning points by completing a series of challenges from constructing futuristic vet practices to commissioning drone deliveries. Community and collaboration was integral to the two-day AGM where delegates received informative presentations and ample opportunity to discuss current trends with one another.
“It’s the human blend of collaboration and healthy competition within the community of XLVets that gives us our shared energy,” emphasised Andrew Curwen, CEO of XLVets. “The annual AGM provides a unique opportunity for our members to come together, fostering friendships, discussing business strategies, and exchanging ideas. The team challenge has always been an integral component of our AGMs, and this year, our members and supplier partners surpassed all expectations with their enthusiasm and participation.”
Divided into groups of six, the teams undertook over 20 different tasks, vying for points throughout the afternoon. The top two teams advanced to the thrilling final round held during the evening dinner. Focusing on independent values and sustainability, with an eye towards the future, the challenges involved interviewing independent businesses, exploring new technologies, utilising eco-friendly transportation, and promoting diversity. All submissions were made digitally through the innovative Goosechase app.
The event, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, enjoyed robust attendance with 140 attendees, with 46 member practices represented. Thanks to the close-knit community ethos, the AGM exuded an intimate yet welcoming atmosphere. Pharmaceutical company representatives, practice managers, and owners actively participated in the team challenge, while joining delegates for an enjoyable evening dinner.
Andrew expressed his gratitude, saying, “We extend a special thank you to our sponsors, whose generous support and innovative products and services continue to support XLVets.”
The annual event is a celebration of independent practices and featured numerous valuable sessions aimed at supporting the growth and success of individual practices. In addition to the formal AGM, the agenda covered topics such as “Rebellious Ideas and Teamwork,” “On-Farm Tech Data,” “The Now of Technology in Small Animal and Equine Practice,” as well as in-depth discussions on flexible working and supporting succession in practice.
XLVets’ commitment to fostering a collaborative community and driving the future of independent practice was evident throughout the AGM and the thrilling team challenge. The event served as a platform for members to connect, exchange knowledge, and embrace the shared vision of excellence in veterinary care.
To learn more about XLVets, visit https://www.xlvets.co.uk/the-boss/
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