How to Make Money from Blogging
Whether you’re a business with a blog or simply looking to set up a personal blog, how to make money from blogging can often feel like the unanswerable question. But the fact is, once you know all the basic hacks and nuisances, creating an income from your blog is relatively easy.
Pick a niche
Define the purpose of your blog and the audience you are writing it for. Whether you want to frame yourself as a key opinion leader in your field or use your articles to drive sales and bookings, you’ll need to make sure that your content is relevant and searchable. Knowing who you’re talking to will make knowing what they search for and the terms they most often use a lot easier.
Optimise Your Articles
On page optimisation is the changes you can implement to make what you create more searchable. Having a quick checklist of must haves is a great way to make sure that everything you write is as geared up as it possibly can be to get the search results you need to drive your blog. It’s the optimisation of your site that will ultimately earn you money. Whether that be via traffic converted to bookings or brands reaching out to pay you to write and house content for them.
Increase Your DR and DA
Collaborate with other bloggers and websites to increase the number of backlinks you have on other websites. Google’s search engines see backlinking as a vote of confidence for the site they link to. Therefore, the more backlinks your blog has the greater it’s DA (Domain Authority) and DR (Domain Ranking) will be.
Links on social media don’t count as backlinks however, promoting your articles on your social media pages will help to spark an interest in what you write and in turn drive traffic to your site. The more popular your site the more preferential it is to Google.
Be seen online
The best way to be seen online is by writing content that people need to read. Although you should make sure that you cover a variation of topics and styles of article types, quick wins are often had from writing ‘Top 10’ or ‘5 Best’ articles. For example, ‘Top 10 Reasons to Become a Vet’ or ‘5 Best Orthopaedic Mattresses for Pets’. These styles of articles not only tend to be highly searched for, but also lend themselves to product placement. Meaning you can list any relevant products and services that you sell within them. Sites such as Pinterest are perfect for organically promoting this type of article content. By creating pinboards that relate to the topics you’re blogging about, you increase your chances of being seen by the people you’re writing for.
If you’re an independent blogger you might also want to consider joining an influencer index, where brands can review your work and easily connect with you to discuss paid campaign opportunities with you. Lastly add an email address to your ‘About You’ page so anyone akin to your content can reach out to collaborate.
Increase Your Digital Marketing Knowledge
If you’ve found this article insightful and want to learn more, why not upskill. For as little as £14.99 per month you can increase your vet specific digital marketing and PR knowledge via the Vetti learning hub. If you’re an existing blogger, feel free to get in touch to be added to our pet blogger list to be involved in future campaigns.
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