Vet professionals encouraged to take part in ‘biggest ever’ feline hypertension survey
Ceva Animal Health is supporting an independent online feline hypertension survey that aims to gain insight into how vet teams currently assess blood pressure in cats. Dr. Sarah Caney, RCVS recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine, will be leading the project, which aims to be biggest ever survey conducted on feline hypertension, alongside Professor Danièlle Gunn-Moore, fellow RCVS Feline Medicine Specialist and Professor in Feline Medicine at The University of Edinburgh. Veterinary surgeons and vet nurses will be asked to share their views on when and how they measure blood pressures and their views on feline hypertension. All veterinary professionals taking part can receive a fob watch* to thank them for their participation and take part in the survey .

Sarah Caney
Although hypertension is an extremely common condition in felines, it is also highly underdiagnosed and can have life-threatening consequences when left unmanaged.1 Dr Caney explains, “Feline hypertension is easily missed as clinical signs are often limited or non-existent, so regular, accurate blood pressure monitoring is essential, particularly for senior cats. We hope the results of this survey will help us to identify how we can best coach, support and develop practices in the future so they can identify more of these patients and improve their quality of life.”
Suzanne Page, Veterinary Surgeon and Amodip Product Manager at Ceva, says the company is pleased to work with Dr Caney to support the survey, “There are many barriers to ensuring that all older cats and those with relevant concurrent diseases receive screening for hypertension. The survey will help us better understand what those barriers are and how these challenges can be addressed positively to improve animal welfare. It is also an issue that requires the whole practice team to come together to deliver a better outcome for their patients. We are therefore very keen to find out how all members of the practice team view these important issues and want to encourage all vets and veterinary nurses to share their perspective on the challenges they face in carrying out blood pressure measurements.”
Dr. Caney also emphasises the importance of keeping feline patients calm and relaxed during blood pressure assessments, “The so-called ‘white coat effect’ or situational hypertension, has been observed in both people and animals. The survey will also explore the tools and techniques veterinary professionals use to minimise the impact of blood pressure assessments on their patients and will help us to develop some best practice approaches.”
The survey can be found at
*Terms and conditions apply – it may take up to 28 days for the fob watch to be received.
- Conroy M, Chang Y, Brodbelt D, Elliott J, Survival after diagnosis of hypertension in cats attending primary care practice in the United Kingdom, Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine. 2018; 32:6, doi:10.1111/jvim.15307
Amodip® 1.25 mg chewable tablets for cats contains Amlodipine 1.25 mg (Equivalent to 1.73 mg of amlodipine besilate). Legal category POM-V.
Further information is available from the data sheet, SPC or pack leaflet.
For any further information contact CEVA Animal Health Ltd, Unit 3, Anglo Office Park, White Lion Road, Amerhsam, Bucks, HP7 9FB, Telephone: 01494 781510
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