Lintbells receives a visit from Fabulous Finn | Companion Consultancy

Lintbells receives a visit from Fabulous Finn

Hitchin-based premium natural supplements company Lintbells received a visit this morning from ‘Fabulous Finn’. Now retired, police dog Finn rose to fame when he saved the life of his handler PC Dave Wardell and was stabbed in the process. Finn’s injuries were so severe he wasn’t expected to survive but he surprised everyone by pulling through. His exploits became the subject of a best-selling book, Fabulous Finn: The Brave Police Dog Who Came Back from the Brink. The visit was to say thank you to the Lintbells team who are delighted to be sponsoring his YuMOVE ADVANCE 360.

Finn is currently busy supporting his owner to bring about a change in the law. Finn’s Law will see police and service dogs like Finn protected by the law and those who attack them penalised accordingly. Despite the fact that Finn was stabbed with a ten inch blade in his chest into his lung and also through the top of his head, his assailant was only charged with ‘criminal damage’ for inflicting his injuries. This is because the law only considers animals as ‘property’. There’s more information about his campaign at

Sue Lewis, Commercial Lead, says that everyone was thrilled to have had the chance to meet Finn and very proud to be supporting his joint health by sponsoring his YuMOVE ADVANCE 360, “He’s a lovely dog and obviously highly trained. He held on to Dave’s attacker until help arrived despite his serious injuries.  It’s hard to believe that the gentle dog we met did that and we are all a little bit in awe of his bravery. It really was a privilege to meet him and we can confirm that he is indeed well and truly fabulous.”