Looking for ways to save money and improve customer service in 2016? | Companion Consultancy

Looking for ways to save money and improve customer service in 2016?

Dachshund puppyWhether it’s regular newsletters or adhoc news or alerts, there will always be a need to communicate with your clients in writing as it’s not easy to keep them informed about all your services, promotions, ongoing practice changes and expertise available during their visits. One of the best ways to communicate this is by newsletter on a regular basis.

Lots of practices are designing their newsletter, printing it and posting out to their clients, which can be very costly and time consuming but feel the benefits are worth it to promote loyalty. E-newsletters have lots of benefits and not just cost savings, although that is a major factor. We have put together some of the benefits of converting your printed versions to E-newsletters below and would be happy to answer any questions you may have, please send your email to Deborah@companionconsultancy.com.


  • Cost – no postage, printing, or stationery required – the cost to send E-newsletters is a fraction of the cost of printing and posting hard copy newsletters. For growing databases it makes sense to switch to E-newsletters.
  • Easy to sign up – you just need the client’s email address and their permission to contact them this way.
  • Options to personalise to your client or do specific cat or dog mailers. Birthday emails to their pets with a special offer will make your customer feel loved and promote loyalty to your practice.
  • Ability to send out auto response emails to new sign-ups welcoming them to the practice and also to highlight the range of services and promotions the practice can offer. Delivered instantly to an Inbox means ‘Hot off the press info’
  • Ability to link direct to specific service pages on your websites and include a call to action, such as ‘email us here’.
  • Mobile phone compatible – our E-newsletters are designed to reformat for mobile phone screens
  • Open rates and links clicked information is available for each E-newsletter sent compared to no information available at all for newsletters posted to recipients.
  • Practice is able to log-in to their personal client area to see all stats available, who is opening the enews and where they are based.
  • Opportunity to easily convert a printed newsletter to email in addition if hard copy is still required.

Content for E-news

Most practices know what content they require in their newsletters, however from time to time you may need a little support with this. We can also generate the copy for your Enewsletters, meaning you can be assured of a regular scheduled newsletter going out to your customers on time and written by vets for your approval.

We can write four articles per newsletter based on keyword analyses to optimise search for a set fee as and when you require. The main articles would appear on your website with the leading story lines on the e-news we send out. We can also help with loading these to your site, or we they can sit on our microsite* which we can personalise for your practice.

And if you prefer to write your own content and source your own images that’s fine too.

If you would like to find out more including costs for us to design your own unique e-news template including your practice logo and contact details, or any other information please email us here.