Top 12 problems vets face on returning from holiday
It’s holiday season for vets and getting away from it all is a great way to recharge your batteries. The downside is you have to come back and get back into work mode. If you are a vet, you know you’ve been on holiday when…
1. You can’t remember how to hold gillies
2. Your basic cat handling skills go out the window and the danger of strangulation by stethoscope is only narrowly averted by rupture of your tympanic membrane
3. ….and then you forget to close your mouth when lancing a cat abscess
4. You get tangled up driving with your waterproof trousers round your ankles
5. You insist on a lunch break – lasting a whole hour
6. You don’t have any scratches on your hands and your nails have grown back
7. You call the receptionist darling by mistake
8. You go into a slump at 3 pm when you realise there won’t be time to eat or drink until at least 8 pm, never mind topping up with a strawberry daiquiri…
9. Your reaction time is so slow you get bitten by a hamster on your second consult of the day
10. You have temporarily lost the ability to put on a straight forward leg bandage so decide this is the time to embrace the new, more creative person you vowed to become…
11. In despair of ever making a diagnosis, you try the Vulkan mind-meld…
12. After the first 24 hours you feel like you have never been away. It’s great being a vet.